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Hi, my name is Lindsay, and I am a spadefootaholic.

I am sure you've probably figured that much out about me if you've ever as much as looked at my profile picture or looking at anything I ever posted. In the real world, I happily discuss them all the time. I am working on getting into grad school so I can work with spadefoots, and of COURSE my thesis project will be on spadefoots. My undergrad thesis was on spadefoots. It's one of the first things I ever mention, and I even have gone so far as to tattoo a spade on my foot to become a spadefoot myself.

I think you get the gist.

So, in order to make sure my spadefoots remain healthy and happy, I frequent the local pet store frequently. We get to talking, so they know that I keep a lot of frogs, mostly spadefoots. I went to the pet store today to get my food, and the co-owner told me he had something for me.

My interest was piqued. What could he have? I assumed some tree frogs, or possibly a pacman. Frogs that are more common in the pet trade. As the keeper cup emerges, he sifts through the moss and eventually removes it to show me what is inside.

Two Eastern Spadefoots. Spadefoots. SPADEFOOTS! I may or may not have squealed out loud. Spadefoots! He had ordered me spadefoots, knowing how much I loved them. My heart skipped a beat, and he was even willing to cut me a good deal, so I paid for my spadefoots and supplies and left.

As soon as I got their home set up, they burrowed within seconds and have yet to surface. I am not going to stress them out tonight, but as soon as I can, I will share pictures of them with you guys.

But everyone--EVERYONE--knows me for my spadefoots, and I am okay with that.


  1. Mentat's Avatar
    Congrats on your little new toads and your decision to become a frog expert in college. Did not know college requires now an undergraduate thesis... wow !
  2. lindsayshocking's Avatar
    Thank you! I am hoping they will eat soon, but they're not too keen on coming out of burrow at this point. I can't blame them--a new home is very overwhelming. Some of the ones in The Colony took close to 3 weeks to eat :/

    I did Environmental Studies as my undergrad, and instead of doing advanced chemistry classes, physics and calculus, we had the option to do an undergrad thesis, which is what I chose. I have mixed feelings about it, but overall I really enjoyed it a lot.
  3. HelloTeigan's Avatar
    You are so awesome! Literally. If you ever want new couchs spadefoot s, at the end of the summer they will be in abundance here! Not to tempt you or anything! Your my spadefoot hero!
  4. lindsayshocking's Avatar
    Don't tempt me with spadefoots! I can't say no XD Especially since I have 5 girls and 1 male. I do need to get them some more males...


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