Back from vacation
, September 4th, 2011 at 10:23 PM (2874 Views)
Hey all,
Well, we got back today from Puerto Rico visiting family for ten days and will have plenty of pics to most tomorrow.
The pics will be mostly lizards and a few pics of frogs but they should be interesting.
As for returning home: I have been recovering from the mess my wife's son created due to his lazy and almost hazardous attention to the chores he was tasked with for using our car. Which by the way he couldn't use after blowing a seal and covering the belts in oil. This caused the belts to slip and not allow the battery to stay charged. I warned her since he blew a cam seal last time he used the car for a few days.
As for the tanks, I had to remove tons of thrown in crushed corn since he scooped it up with the crickets and threw it all over every tank except for the dart vivs.
We had him feed two different days with us to ensure he was doing it correctly before leaving.
No water changes as he said he was doing, but he did flood them over as he poured water in thinking it would be good enough to do.
We are also chasing down a few cultures of fruit flies since we believe he opened them and set them down to open the vivs and let them go everywhere. Nice... I'm not to impressed.
If you have suggestions to reducing the numbers let me know. We have a few vinegar dishes out but the only sit on the rim and don't seem to climb in.
Our Crested Gecko also allowed me to hand feed tonight for the first time so he was probably starving.
Its been a long day since I have been up since Saturday morning.