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Naming my frogs

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I've got a pair of Whites Tree Frogs and I absolutely adore them. I've had my male for almost a year now and the female(?) for about three months.

My whole issue is coming up with names for them that are...different. I've been calling my male 'frog boy' and I cringe every time I call him that. Haha. I haven't been calling my female anything since I got her.

So far the only pair of names I have come up with that I like is Narcissus and Echo.

If you guys have any suggests, feel free to post them in the comments. I need all the help I can get!
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  1. mommyof4froglovers's Avatar
    If you are into greek mythology for names you could go with Aphrodite and Hephaestus. Those would be different. Or you could do Artemis and Apollo.
  2. Sarosaurus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mommyof4froglovers
    If you are into greek mythology for names you could go with Aphrodite and Hephaestus. Those would be different. Or you could do Artemis and Apollo.
    Oooh. Those are some good names! I'm now leaning more towards Artemis and Apollo. Haha.
    Thank you so much for your suggestions!
  3. mommyof4froglovers's Avatar
    No problem.


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