, June 20th, 2017 at 11:02 PM (1601 Views)
Hello, my name is Kylie and I have two melanoid black speckled axolotls (Mila & Hamilton) who frequently breed and lay many eggs. I have up to 400 eggs at a time, and am looking to sell them. They lay eggs about every two months, and I like to sell them before the begin to develop. Prices depend on the amount of eggs you will be buying, but generally I would sell about 10 eggs for 5$ with discounts as the amount goes higher. Please contact me and let me know if you are willing to buy! They will come carefully packaged and guaranteed to have most eggs hatch! (because I can't control what ones will be infertile) And if you are new to raising axolotl eggs, I can send you a handmade pamphlet guide if you need it :P Looking for a good home for these cute eggs~!