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Back up and running

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Wow, feels like forever but I am finally back up and running after I lost my computer and most of my backed up data when I had a hard drive failure.

Now renting a computer since it was much cheaper than fixing the old one.

I also would like to note that I am seeing many questions in the blog section and if your looking for help, post it to the forum since the forum posts are seen more than blog posts.

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  1. ViperJr's Avatar
    Good to have to you back, but the crash sounds like no fun. I hope you manage to get at least some of the data back.
  2. John's Avatar
    Welcome back! I've been busy for the last month but should be around more now again.
  3. DonLisk's Avatar
    Cool John and thanks Viper :-)

    I had stuff going to a backup on a separate hard drive but some stuff there was even corrupted. Luckily the important stuff was saved or could be reproduced with a scanner and some time.


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