• FrogTV: Frog Television on the FrogForum

    FrogTV Channel: Golden Poison Frogs, Phyllobates terribilis.
    These are the Blackfoot Orange race. They are captive bred
    F2 and exported from Colombia by Tesoros de Colombia.
    The picture refreshes every 10 seconds. Didn't load properly? Click here to refresh it.
    Image in Black and White? That's the night vision view.
    Any glare in night vision mode is from the night vision lighting reflecting in the terrarium glass.
    This species is only visible at or near daylight hours.
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  • FrogTV?

    Watch frogs live on the internet with FrogTV.

    Currently (December 2013), there is one channel running. What you are seeing is a live snap shot of what's going on in the terrarium. The image updates every 13 seconds.

    If the image is in black and white, the lights are off for that terrarium at the current time, so you are viewing in infrared. Any glare during "night" vision is from the infrared lights reflecting in the terrarium glass. The frogs become active before the lights come on in the morning, so they are sometimes visible even when the lights are out. This is often the case for up to an hour before the lights come on in the morning.

    Channel 1's lights run from about 7:50 am US Eastern time to 7:50 pm US Eastern time. (+/- 1 depending on Daylight Savings).

    Comments? Use the form below .
    Comments 60 Comments
    1. John's Avatar
      John -
      Channel 1 is just a taste. Channel 2 is the main event!
    1. MikeM670's Avatar
      MikeM670 -
      Alright its Frog TV! Late Night Viewing for all of us poor souls who have to work. Now where is my popcorn!!
    1. daziladi's Avatar
      daziladi -
      What an awesome idea!!! Great job John & your fabulous brain at work. *applause*
    1. John's Avatar
      John -
      Quote Originally Posted by daziladi View Post
      What an awesome idea!!! Great job John & your fabulous brain at work. *applause*
      Thank you!
    1. Griffin's Avatar
      Griffin -
      this is neat
    1. John's Avatar
      John -
      It's pretty awesome to watch the terribilis calling live over the net just now.
    1. daziladi's Avatar
      daziladi -
      Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
      It's pretty awesome to watch the terribilis calling live over the net just now.
      This TV has sound too? I want to do something like this for Chester when we take him on the RV with us. The worlds first RV-traveling-tree-frog lol
    1. John's Avatar
      John -
      No, no sound, but you could see the male inflating and deflating his vocal sac.
    1. ViperJr's Avatar
      ViperJr -
      Oooh, I see frogs. Shiny Mr. Clare!
    1. BG's Avatar
      BG -
      Its a double feature lol got to go get more snacks
    1. Poly's Avatar
      Poly -
      Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
      They've been hiding a lot lately, not sure why.
      Oh, I see...

      Your poison dart frogs on channel 2 are amazing, and there very active!
    1. whiffer01's Avatar
      whiffer01 -
      i saw the "Epipedobates anthonyi "Rio Saladillo" race, juveniles in new terrarium." on channel one and i saw them moving. this is great.
    1. Poly's Avatar
      Poly -
      I see two frogs on channel 1...! Well not exactly sure if there frogs or leaves, but they look like frogs!
    1. John's Avatar
      John -
      2 updates to share. Firstly, channel 1 now shows an Oophaga pumilio terrarium with a breeding pair of the Bastimentos race. Secondly, there's a small set of terribilis eggs in the center bottom view of the terribilis terrarium (channel 2). Don't ask me why they laid there of all places.
    1. BG's Avatar
      BG -
      John you make it sound so easy Damn you good. Love the tv.
    1. Jimbok3's Avatar
      Jimbok3 -
      John I recommend using ustream.com so you can have a actual video feed from the tanks.
    1. ViperJr's Avatar
      ViperJr -
      Like John said earlier, he uses survilliance cameras and not actual video cameras. I don't think the streaming host is the problem, he just preferrs pictures. This way, he don't need to have the stream on his computer, since they upload it directly. That's what he said, IF I remember correctly.

      On a side note, justin.tv is often prefferred over ustream.
    1. John's Avatar
      John -
      Yeah, live snap shots are far more bandwidth efficient than live streaming, since this is all coming through my home internet connection. Obviously I would love to stream it live but then I would need to buy a separate internet connection just for FrogTV!
    1. ViperJr's Avatar
      ViperJr -
      Just an idea, but you could try move to a country with a decent 200/100 Internet connection instead of that crappy US one you are using
    1. John's Avatar
      John -
      Haha, no comment. Don't want to offend our American friends.
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