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  1. African Clawed Frog

    Does anyone know where to purchase green,brown,and albino clawed frogs? I want two or three of them. I'd really like one to be green, but all help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Tiny Bugs in American Toad cage?

    Quote Originally Posted by AlanLynch View Post
    So, I'm new to the Frog Forum, but I've been reading it for years now, and I've had so many questions to ask. This is the one I find most important. For a year now I have had a female American Toad named Lola. She is healthy, always eats, has clear eyes, and is very active. (She has become diurnal) but, in the corner of her cage there is this whole colony of tiny white bugs, not even a millimeter long, eating these mushrooms in her cage. Now, they've been in there forever, but I don't think they