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  1. Raising african clawed frog tads QUESTION

    My two acf adults that I raised from a tadpole kit several years ago recently laid eggs. I separated the adults from the eggs and now they have begun to hatch. Many tads are clinging to the sides but many are motionless on the bottom. I am beginning to wonder if they are dead and if I need to remove the bodies from the tank to keep bacteria from growing? Thoughts? Also do I need a heat lamp? And will baby brine shrimp pellets work for food? Advice would really help. The tadpoles only just began ...
  2. African Clawed Frog

    Should a filter be used in an ACF's tank? If so, what is the best type of filter to use?
  3. Terry's Xenopus Blog


    My name is Terry and live in Bellevue, Nebraska (a suburb of Omaha). I have been keeping African clawed frogs and Surinam toads for many years and really enjoy them. This blog is for those of you who enjoy keeping these aquatic frogs. Everyone is welcome to contribute!

    I recently came across a wonderful guide on keeping African clawed frogs (Xenopus). It is available online (PDF format) and free of charge. It is called Guidance on the Housing and Care of the African ...
    Tags: acf, care, xenopus Add / Edit Tags