Great advice, friendly people, and lots of frogs!
I actually think I weigh MORE now than I did during my last blog entry. But, then I head this thing about muscle weighing more than fat.... I've currently lost 4 inches around my waist, two around my thighs and I have developed a decent bicep. Here here. I also adopted Gertrude. She's bigger than Stickyfeet, green, and has no qualms about leaping out my fingers to an opposing wall 20 feet away. I think she's a Cope's Tree Frog. (Why would a gray treefrog be the color ...
It really is! Well, after almost a week of settling in with our new toads, I've come to the conclusion that I hate coconut fiber with a passion. After only a few days, the toads' water area was FULL of it. It was floating in it, sinking in it, covering them and their dock - an unholy mess of it. Looked like the swamp thing had taken over. So, I did a little research and came up with what I think is a better solution. Hubby bought me a moss mat Monday to put down over the coconut fiber ...
Updated August 23rd, 2012 at 01:49 PM by Faith