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  1. Review of the Exo terra light cycle unit

    I have the 20 watt unit,
    Simulates Dawn to dusk lighting for a 10, 12 , 14hr day cycle.

    Does not have a timer that can be set.
    If the power is interrupted the cycle will restart from the beginning.
    Cords to the tube sockets are not detachable from the control unit.

    No mounting hardware for the lights are suppled.

    My solution for the timing problem.
    A Simple digital timer set for when you want the light ...
  2. African bullfrog pictures, male or female?

    I bought this frog as a baby at the end of september of 2012. it has grown like crazy for the last 3 months and went from 1" to 4.5" in length. has made no calls though. ever since i got it i have feed it mainly frozen pinkies. it has eaten a few roaches and a couple goldfish but mainly mice and rats. i think it may just be very fat because it eats every 2 days without fail. i need some help in sexing it. any help from you all would help. my wife wants it to be female so she doesnt have ...
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  3. Today's my first day with...

    Both my lil tree frogs!!! I am so excited!!! I hope they are male and female like I think they are!!!