Great advice, friendly people, and lots of frogs!
I actually think I weigh MORE now than I did during my last blog entry. But, then I head this thing about muscle weighing more than fat.... I've currently lost 4 inches around my waist, two around my thighs and I have developed a decent bicep. Here here. I also adopted Gertrude. She's bigger than Stickyfeet, green, and has no qualms about leaping out my fingers to an opposing wall 20 feet away. I think she's a Cope's Tree Frog. (Why would a gray treefrog be the color ... more frogs til I lose 20-30 more pounds! I really, really, REALLY want a new froggie, but uh...I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY need to lose the weight.. so...I figure, heck, why not? I'll use my want of a frog to help spur on my weight loss! I lost fifteen pounds over the course of last year (why it took me so long, I don't know...) I hope to be down by 20 in mid-March and real my goal sometime in late summer. Maybe early fall. Wish me luck. Smaller ...
Sweet! not that I'm much of a blogger. I DO write, but that's mostly novels, and faced paced adventure stuff...FAKE stuff...because my life is so interesting all the time, I find it boring. No really, if I'm not smart mouthing off at my boss or using my mad ninja skills to avoid creepers at work, I'm getting lost in the city with a flat tire. I'd love to have a day where I can just kick back, put up my feet and count ceiling tiles. Or watch my frog hop around. Yeah, ...