Photo 7 of 19 from U Pana Ropucha

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Hyperolius puncticulatus eggs

Photo Added
November 14th, 2019
U Pana Ropucha
Added by
Vampyre Vran

Photo Comments

  1. KP
    Here's hoping for the maximum survival of this clutch. Sadly it looks like their ancestral homeland is being destroyed by habitat destruction by humans.
  2. Vampyre Vran
    Sadly, this is a photo from last few years. They laid few clutches, but not knowing, that my water is highly toxic for animals (despite of all tests saying it is okay), I destroyed the eggs with that water unintentionally by spraying it on the eggs. I no longer have this species, they all died of old age One of my friends breeds them and probably I will buy some from him "soon"... this time I hope I will succeed with them, now using better water, so I won't poison eggs, tadpoles and frogs themselves...
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