Photo 7 of 11 from Baron's Mantella (Mantella baroni)

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Baron's Mantella
Nomenclature: Mantella baroni
IUCN Red List: Least Concern
Country of Origin: Eastern-central Madagascar - from Fierenana south to Andringitra

Information: This species is 1 of 16 species in the Mantella genus all of which use Aposematism as a defence mechanism. Aposematism basically derives from the Greek words that mean "Warning Colours" a defence which has made another family of frogs famous, the Dendrobatidae family (Poison Dart Frogs). Mantella baroni occupies a number of habitats including swamp forests, semi-arid streambeds, bamboo groves, and streamside forests

It is classed as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and can only be found in Eastern-central Madagascar from a few localities, Fierenana south to Andringitra. This species is (like most of Madagascar's Wildlife) mainly threatened by Habitat-loss through Agricultural expansion from Crop planting and livestock grazing land, Expansion of Human Settlements and Logging for Timber. It is believed to be mildly threatened by Collection for the Pet Trade, however this hasn't shown any signs of a lasting or drastic effect to their decline.

© 2013 - Joshua Ralph (These are copyrighted photographs, please ask permission before using)

Photo Added
July 30th, 2014
Baron's Mantella (Mantella baroni)
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