Photo 17 of 26 from Herping

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Ambystoma macrodactylum adult female

Photo Added
March 17th, 2013
Added by
Bombina Bob

Photo Comments

  1. Gnag the nameless
    I'm curious: How do you tell the males apart from the females in this species?

  2. Bombina Bob
    Theres polymorphism between the sexes, females are usually bigger and fatter and males usually
    have a bulge near their cloaca (their butt) and are one to two inches smaller, the breeding season
    for these guys just ended, this female was gravid so i had to et her back to her breeding pond.
  3. Gnag the nameless
    Hmm... well, I must have a female and a male long toed salamander. Urtham is larger and has always been fatter, whilst Gargan is smaller and much skinnier, despite the fact he eats a small earthworm or two on a daily basis.
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