
I currently have a leopard frog in a 20 gallon long terrarium and I'd like to get a second frog. I'd like to know if there's a good rule of thumb to keep in mind, size-wise, to avoid one frog eating the other.

I might like the second frog to be of another species, but I just read in a different thread that their skin can be toxic to other frog species. It's the first time I've ever heard / read that and I was wondering if there is any truth to this. It was stated as a general fact if I remember correctly (something like frog skins can be toxic to other frog species), which seems wrong to me since frogs commonly eat other species of frogs.

I might like to get a wood frog because in the hope that it will turn out to be a female because they are so beautiful during the reproduction periode, but would that end up being too small to house with a leopard frog (especially if it turns out to be a male wood frog?).

Any advice would be appreciated