When buying my darts, a had read that P. terribilis and P. bicolor weren't aggressive. So far, within my original group of 4 bicolors, three of them bullied and bullied the fourth and just wouldn't let him eat at all. I noticed this a little bit too late to put him into isolation . My pair of yellow terribilis has recently (and possibly too late) has been split up. Since I got them, one has been a bit smaller and eaten a little less, and the other has bullied it and taken much of his food. He's in isolation now, and for a while he was eating a little bit, but I woke up this morning to feed him and found him incapable of moving. I don't know what to do.... So 1) I need help with nursing my frog back to health, and 2) WHY ARE THESE SUPPOSEDLY NON-AGRESSIVE FROGS BULLYING EACH OTHER?! I am REALLYYY upset as these are my two favorite species, and I can't handle another death.