So today I bought a 20g long tank and I have it set up to accomodate for a pacman frog. Heres the thing, my parents will not let me get one that croaks. I know that the males croak but I was wondering if all males croak and when they do is it because they did it on their own or because you sprayed them or squeezed them or played other sounds to get them to croak? Also, I am going to a reptile expo this weekend and I know from experience that they sell pacmans there. Now if I can buy a proven female there, problem solved but I have a feeling they will be unsexed like so many of the frogs online. I am a super-noob so i will not know how to sex them on the spot. My main question is that if I get a baby, and it turns out to be male, will I hear it croak in the night in my room or will it only croak if induce it to? Also one last question: If my room stays at roughly 75 degrees will I need to buy a heater?
Any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks