I am thinking about converting a 15 gallon (24.25 x 12.75 x 12.5'') aquarium into a vertical vivarium for Ranitomeya variabilis or imitator. Would a tank this size be suitable for a pair? These would be my first dart frogs, but I have kept tropical fish and planted aquariums for years. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when fishkeeping is starting with too small of a tank, so I want to make sure that my setup is suitably sized before doing anything else. I have read that 10 gallons is considered sufficient for a pair of Ranitomeya sp., but some say that is way too small. The vivarium would be bioactive and planted with small bromeliads, heart ferns, button ferns, java moss, peacock moss, fittonia, and small orchids on driftwood or cork bark.

I am a student and limited on space, so unfortunately I can't have a huge vivarium.
What do the expert froggers think? Good or bad idea?