Hi, I've recently bought a young Red Eyed Tree frog which was doing great up until a couple of days ago. I first noticed a single green spot on his back leg during the night when he was darker, some reading told me this could have been the start of an illness. however he was still eating, pooping, active, etc. etc. I know this isn't ideal but I wanted to see if it would continue or whether it was just a one off instance so when I saw the 1 spot had become three smaller ones (potentially on the opposite leg, I could've sworn it was originally the back left but was now back right, I may be wrong though) I contacted a vet, the vet then asked for photos and when I tried to take some the spots were gone! Instead there were just slightly lighters bit of skin where the spots were ( however, that may have just been from him changing color due to the lights needed for photos). Despite the lack of spots I am still noticing odd behavior whilst he is still eating, he sleeps for a few hours at night ( again this may be from shining a light for a few seconds in order to observe him and he seems to no longer seek a smooth surface to sleep on, despite there being silk leaves and plastic walls of his enclosure, instead just sleeping on the bumpy exo terra bendable vine in his enclosure he has done this for two days now. I'd just like to know whether there is any need to worry, vets have also been informed of the odd behavior. Thanks!