So I have had my chorus frog Walter for over a year now, and I really want to get another frog so he can socialize. Is this a good idea? In the spring he used to croak so much because I think that was his mating call.

I don't really want to get another tadpole from the creek to raise, but I looked online and found a spring peeper frog, Pseudacris crucifer, for sale. Walter's species is Pseudacris maculata. They are both Pseudacris so same species right? Is it okay to have these two frogs together?

Walter is a wild caught frog, raised from a tadpole. It would have been better to let him go back in the wild but we have had him so long already and it seems too late. Would he spread disease to a captive bred frog or would it be fine since we have had him so long?

I would really like people's opinions here. Walter just seems pretty lonely and I thought he'd like a friend.

Thank you in advance!