I've had my bullfrog Frederick for a few months now. He's still a juvenile frog but he's gotten to where he absolutely will not eat. I tried soaking him in warm water as suggested by someone at my local pet store. I even tried getting someone to help me insert crickets into his mouth after I pried it open with a flathead screwdriver. But he just pushes the crickets out or regurgitates them. I give him his vitamins on Mondays and Wednesdays and he seems healthy and lively but he won't eat. He has some sort of nose condition which I think might be an infection. We've been treating him with I think it was betadine without painkillers. His nose seems to be getting better but he looks like he's going to starve. And it's been at least close to 2 weeks now! Someone please help!

Oh I almost forgot to mention he's not wild. I adopted him from my local pet store.