Hi everyone!

I was hoping I could get some help on determining gender as these two are to young to tell behavior wise. So looks are the only way I believe at this point will tell. I've been holding off on names for them since I don't know genders.

I believe I have at least one female (the green) and I think the brown one is I think female but I can't tell by the spot on it's ear.

The other question I have is, can you tell whether I have southern or northern leopard frogs? I thought northern before I got them, but am thinking southern at this point. They just turned to frogs a week or two ago so they aren't full grown at all in terms of length yet.

I can't get pictures uploaded so you will be directed to my account on instagram with the frog pictures.

(Not the best pictures but hoping good enough)

Key for the comments

2 - Green frog

1 - Brown frog

(I'm aware holding them is very bad for their skin it was very minimal and probably the only time in their lives I will do this.)


Frog two (green)




Frog one (brown)





Size comparisons



Leopard frog two (green) length atm 1" (they just turned to frogs time wise, not full grown)

Leopard frog one (brown) length atm 1.5" (they just turned to frogs time wise, not full grown)

Thanks so much for any help!
