Hello! I am new to here & I hope I am using this correctly, haha! I'm just going to jump right in. I have seen similar questions to this on this forum, but I want to add a few more details.

After doing research, I decided yesterday to purchase my first Pacman frog! I have hermit crabs & turtles, so why not add a frog to the mix? With my turtle & hermit crabs, I keep them pretty toasty during the day underneath a heat lamp, which works fine for them. However, I am not so sure about my frog, as their skin is much different from what I am used to. I asked the breeders at the expo, where I purchased my frog from, what type of heat source to use. They asked me what I kept my house temperatures at, & where I have hermit crabs, I keep my entire home around 75 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. (When summer actually hits, I'm sure I'll keep it around 3-4 degrees warmer than this.) They told me that with that temperature, I would not need an additional heat source. That was a relief, but because I am paranoid about my little addition getting cold, I wanted to see what you guys thought!

Is my temperature okay, or do I need to purchase a heating mat? I've tried heating mats in the past, but was never really a fan for my hermit crabs or turtle. I have an extra heating lamp sitting around, but where my frog is albino, I am just wondering if the lamp would harm her.... (Does that even make a difference? Sorry if that sounds silly!) Also, I'm uneasy about using a lamp around a frog because, like I mentioned, this is my first one, & although I did my research beforehand, it's a little different now that I actually have her. I just don't want her to get too cold OR too hot, so if I could get some advice on what I should use, that would be great! Thanks a bunch!