Hi all, apologies as this may get lengthy...

I have two red eyes tree frogs. They are currently in separate tanks, as one seems to either have difficulty catching food, or is simply picky. The other one will eat and eat and eat... So the problem with having them in one tank is that I'm worried one will eat all of the crickets and (eventually) prolapse, and the other would starve. The picky one used to eat with tongs, but began to ignore my offerings after a while, so manually controlling their intake is next to impossible. The picky frog, when I first got him, used to be a very adept hunter, and would snatch away crickets from the other frog. With this decline in proactive hunting, I'm wondering...
Does it sound like the picky frog has poor eyesight?
Also, how should I move them back in together? Do I trust the bigger frog to know when she is full, and that the other frog will eat when hungry?
Should I space out the feedings to drive up the picky frog's appetite?
The tank I'm holding the picky frog in is too small and I would like to get them back together soon. What should I do to ensure they both get what they need?

Thank you!