Hi Everybody,
I just recently joined this forum to learn more about other species of frogs. I currently am on Dendroboard and have been pretty active in dart frogs over the past few years. I got some red eye tree frogs about two months ago and have loved having some variety in my collection.
I have a exo-terra 24x18x12 that I have been thinking about putting a Pacman frog into. I love the fact that my dart frogs and red eye Vivariums are low maintenance and "bioactive". That is what sold me on the frogs I purchased in the first place. However, I have not been able to find much on "bioactive" set ups for pacman frogs. I would like to give one of these frogs a try, but only if I can set up its enclosure to be mostly self cleaning.
My question is
1. Can this set up be done with such a large, burrowing species?
2. What type of substrate would you recommend? I use ABG in my dart viv. But I'm concearned about impaction with the Pacman.
3. Should I use a drainage layer or will these guys burrow past the divider into the drainage layer?

Thanks for you response. Any input is appreciated.