I have two dumpy frogs, one is the picture of health, the other is having some issues, but they both live in the same tank. We bought him from Petco, while his brother was purchased from a local breeder. Romeo, my Petco frog seemed healthy when we got him. Then he stopped eating, I was told (by others with dumpy frogs, not Petco) that sometimes dumpies stop eating for a week or two. So once it hit three weeks I got to get very anxious about him eating. He has been gently force fed over the past few weeks. I then thought he was dehydrated but I mist the tank everyday and humidity is always at 50%. He has also been very, very lethargic. He sleeps all day, and all night. I usually take them out for some "play time" once a day, and his brother is very curious, always exploring, but Romeo just sleeps. Today I finally found the source, at least I think I did, His left leg is super swollen with a bubble (almost like a blister) on his "knee" It clearly pains him, he shuffles instead of walks, and drags what's left of his belly on the floor. He is skin and bones, I'm not sure what is the cause of this, infection? I'm not even sure of what it is. But I know he is in pain and I need help, If you know what this is and what I can do please, please let me know. I will be taking him to the vet soon but I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to improve this or make it less painful on him.