I posted about them a while back when was asking for help with ID, and Froggo (yes I know a unique name) is still doing very well!
She has been in the same half water/half land set-up for about a year now, and has been doing great. I would love to put her in a larger set up ( I bought a ZooMed 40 gallon aquarium kit earlier this year and have had it in storage since.
The main reason I have not moved her sooner is because my living situation. I have been living with my mom (yes I am a nerdy basement dweller) since I got done with college for the past few years. I'm planning on moving in with my girlfriend and her mother at some undecided point (her mom and I have talked, and she is serious about including me in the move) but the time frame is still rather up in the air. My relationship with my mom complicates matters. But we don't need to get into that.

My health has declined a bit recently, and i'm finding the care of Froggo's tank a bit more hands on then I have energy for some days. She (I assume she's a she, I honestly don't think the frog would care) is rather messy and the bigger she gets the messier she gets; I have to keep fishing moss she's drug into the water with her that she soon finds herself without moss left on the land. She does go into the water, but she seems to spend much more time having fun burying herself in moss.

As I mentioned she's currently in a 20 gallon long, half and half set up. The land part is made of gravel sitting on top of hydroballs, a slab of slate keeps the land in place, and the water is just basic gravel with some plants. The water end has a heater and a small filter. Currently I am spot cleaning the tank as needed with weekly cleaning of the water and bi weekly work of pouring water on the land side to flush out any debris. The filter does a great job, but because of the hardness of my local water supply, it leaves buildup on much of the water side of the tank. I do clean it weekly as well, but it doesn't last too long because of the splashing.
I'll take a picture of it tomorrow after I do my weekly glass cleaning of hard water stains if you guys want to see.

I really love the half and half set up she is in now, but my priority for Froggo is getting her into a bigger place, even if it's at expense of aesthetics. There was (iirc) a very basic terrarium build with a removable container for water for leopard frogs. This seems much easier than maintaining a small water ecosystem with snails, plants, guppy fry, and one shrimp in the same tank, but I'm not sure how practical it would be to help keep her happy. I can always just go with a very simple shore-line type aquarium that I have read about in Popular Amphibians by Philippe De Vosjoli, and leave the water side free of other critters, as well. My main concerns are water quality and the possibility of any unwanted mold/mildew. I also want to keep the amount of water down in the tank due to weight concerns. If push comes to shove I can get something to hold the max weight of a full 40 gallon tank, but the more I can use stuff I have the better.

At this point I'm just spit balling ideas.

I'm still consider myself a bit of a novice with frogs, so any help or input would be appreciated. Ask if you need any clarification.