Hello everyone, I'm a total ignorant on frogs and stuff, so I don't really know how to help this little guy out.

One of my dogs,a puppy, bit a frog and it has an injure on the left eye. I grabbed the little guy and left it in a quiet place while I searched how to help him out- Reading in forums, they recommended to make a quiet and confortable place for it, so I did, I put a little shelter and something with water, not too deep, so it can relax. He moves his front legs fine, but the back ones don't have much strenght, I don't know how long was it since the little guy was bitten, pressumable 3 to 8 hours. I left it in a part of the garden which my dogs never go to, since I have it fenced, but when I made the place for him, I saw there were some red ants on the dirt, my question is: should I just get him out of there? are the ants even better so he can eat them? should I try to put any kind of medicine on him?

He's a common frog, not too old. If you require pictures I'll provide them

Thanks in advence.

PS: the puppy is fine.