My baby pacman frog Croqueta I’ve had for a little less than a month has had something weird going on with their legs. I saw they had their legs reddened and a bit swollen and I found an sore on their right foot too that doesn’t seem to be going away. I had them on eco earth and when I discovered this I immediately cleaned out the tank and switched them to moist paper towels.

Aside from that I mist their enclosure at least twice a day and I have a large water bowl, a small live plant, a food bowl, and a brand new coconut shaped plastic hut. Temperature ranges from 75-79 when it’s hot and I feed them large crickets every other day. I also clean out the water every 2 days. I read many sources saying I should dab neosporin on their sore and that’s what I’ve been doing, along with daily dechlorinated water soaks with diluted Bactine spray.

Here is a few pictures of what's going on :

Does anyone know if this is for sure red leg? Theyre not lethargic or acting weird or anything, and theyve eaten but What do I do???? I’m really worried