It's been a while guys. Hope all is going good. I've got a question to ask you guys though. Recently I was informed that a buddy of mine had been keeping a female pacman frog and a pyxie frog about the same size together for the last five or so years. Upon arriving home a few days back she discovered her little pacman frog inside of the African Bullfrogs mouth (I truly believe she's fortunate to come home when she did. The pacman might not have made it). She shot me some pics of the pacman's injuries and one of the back feet took some serious damage. Looking at the picture, to me, it looked as if the tissue had died (I was guessing it was probably where the pyxie grabbed the pac in the beginning) and is possibly turning necrotic. I know in the past, if I'd had any herps with necrotic limbs or digits the body would naturally eliminate the limb over time, and providing there was no infection, the animal transitioned just fine in the end.

I recommended that she bring the frog to a vet, and look into possibly getting some baytril or some other form of antibiotic to combat any possible infection that had already set in. I told her if it was me, I'd try to get the baytril and let the body take care of the dead foot/digits on it's own. I was a bit worried that the vet removing the limb might be a bit too stressful at the time. The pacman is in an iso tank that has damp paper towel substrate and a water dish with an infrared bulb that gets the tank into the constant low 80's. She's changing the paper towel and water daily to avoid any possible complications.

Anyone else have any other ideas to information to pass onto her? Much appreciated.