Hi fellows,

So I would like to have everyone's input on the making of a Complete Guide to Ceratophrys Frog Care.
If possible we can divide up each sections among us.

My goal is to make a single guide that covers just about every aspect of keeping a Ceratophrys frog in captivity, along with some natural history and background of the animals.

Since ideally this guide covers all the common Ceratoprhys frogs on market, it should include info about Cranwelli, Ornata, Fantasy pacman, Cornuta, and Caatinga. However, to avoid redundancy, the main guide should focus on Cranwelli and Ornata by default because they are the most commonly kept species in the genus. If there's a difference in care of other species (i.e. Cornuta and Caatinga) we can simply state the what that species is and what's different about the care. Maybe we can make a "Note" in each section about these special species.

Here are my suggested categories:

1. Name(s): Both common and Scientific names. This will include Cranwelli, Ornata, Fantasy, Cornuta, and Caatinga.

2. Life Span/Expectancy: Of each species recorded in captivity.

4. Size: What's the typical size and how big do these guys get? Snout-to-Vent length (SVL) both in inches and cm.

3. Habitat and Range: Where are these guys naturally found (which locales, ex: Amazon basins; what countries)? What type of environment or habitat? Range maps of these frog species would be nice.

4. Life History: When do these guys breed? What type of amplexus? How many eggs per clutch? How long does it take for tadpoles to hatch and metamorphose? How long does it take for them to become sexually mature? How to tell sexes apart?

5. Natural Diet and Captivity Diet: What do these frogs eat in their natural environment? What do/should we feed them in captivity? Thanks to JIvoryReptile we can borrow her link to Youtube video on Feeding 101 and 102! What types of food items should we avoid feeding our frog for example: food that can cause impaction, bugs we catch from our garden, etc.
Impaction seems like a recurring question/problem so we should also answer the question of "how to deal with impaction"

6. Temperature and Humidity level: What's the appropriate temperature range and humidity levels for these frogs? Temperature in both Celcius (ºC) and Farenheit (ºF). What equiptment(s) are needed to achieve those conditions (UTH, fogger/mister, light fixtures)? Where do we attach UTH? What type of light to avoid with an Albino frog?

7. Enclosure and Substrate: What size of caging is appropriate for what age animals? Pros and cons of the types of caging (plastic, glass)? Which types of substrate are good for what age animals? What types of substrate is NOT acceptable?

8. Cover and Water: Do these frogs need covers? What kind? Water dish vs. no water dish? What kind of water is safe to use with frogs? What kind of water is NOT safe for amphibians?

9. Cleaning: How often should we clean the cage for poops, change water in dish? How often should we replace paper towel substrate or EcoEarth? What do we use to wash our enclosures with?

10. Handling: Thanks to JIvoryReptile again we can use her wondering video on handling various sizes of frogs!

11. Disease and Sickness: What kind of diseases can occur in captivities? How to avoid them? How to cure our frogs from them?

12. Breeding: I'll leave this to the breeders and experts.

I'm sure I have left out something but I'm close to brain dead at this point. Now that I look at this I realize how much info it is required to make this complete. I'm aware that we already have a care sheet created on FrogForum by Stanton Waits/Me Tree. His guide is great for a beginning but nowhere near complete. If and when you use information from another course/person, please cite the source/person appropriately. We want to give other people credit on the work they have done. If you have trouble citing a book, website, or an article, just google it. There're a couple websites that gives good examples on proper citation.

Now, lets have a show of hands on what part people like to work on? You don't have to make your part PERFECT, because we'll have experts like Grif Mikesfrog, and IvoryReptile to spot for false information for us (if they don't mind).

I can take on #11, the disease part, but rather specifically chytridiomycosis because that's what I study and I'm confident to give accurate information on chytrid fungus.

If there's a specific section/area you would like to research, simply reply to this thread on which section your taking on. When you have completed writing your section, just post it on a new thread and name it something like "Complete Care Guide #Section you worked on#" so for me since I worked on section #11(Diseases and Sickness) I would make a new thread and name it "Complete Care Guide #11"

I would like to have as many people as possible to help making this guide since you all can see there's a sh*t ton of work! Thank you everyone!