• Terms of Use (FrogForum Rules)

    Registration on FrogForum.net is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. You are reminded that if you have already registered you have already agreed to these rules.

    Although the management of the site will do its best to keep all objectionable messages and images off the forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages and images prior to posting. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the management or owners of FrogForum.net, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message. You as a member of the site have the ability to report objectionable content directly to the management using the "Report Post" button on the bottom left of each message, and you are encouraged to do so.

    As the name of the site indicates, we are a forum dedicated to the discussion of frogs and toads. Please keep discussions relevant to frogs and toads or related animals. Discussions not centered on the topic sections of the forum are strongly discouraged. If you must discuss something not directly related to the keeping of frogs and toads or the other animals discussed on this forum, please use the "Off Topic" area.

    The management of FrogForum.net reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. That means no swearing or use of offensive language. Keep it clean please. The nature of the Anuran hobby means that there may be discussion of animal reproduction, including species mating accounts and terminology. By agreeing to these rules, all users (and in the case of minors, their parents) accept that posts of this nature may occur and are viewed as acceptable content.

    Users retain copyright of their images and videos but by agreeing to these rules you allow any uploaded images to remain on FrogForum.net for the purpose for which you originally posted them there. You may request their removal but images will be removed at the discretion of the management of FrogForum.net.

    We require all members to refrain from posting spam messages and posting a flood of messages in a short time that contribute little to conversations. Excessive posting, posting of the same message in multiple places and/or multiple times may be considered a contravention of this rule and may result in your account being penalized, and possibly banned for a period of time. The decision to take action against a member in this way will be taken by the management of FrogForum.net.

    Messages posted to this site may be long term or permanent content available for anyone to see on the Internet. By agreeing to these rules you are acknowledging this fact. You may at any time request removal of content authored by you but it will only be removed at the discretion of the management of FrogForum.net.

    Users agree to not harass or spam other members/users of FrogForum.net, either through the private messaging system found on the site or directly through email addresses given in confidence by other FrogForum.net users. Soliciting/harassment, discussion of illegal (according to US law) or socially unacceptable matters or practices, and contacting a user aged under 18 regarding specifically non FrogForum.net related matters will result in a permanent ban and blacklisting of your IP address. This will not be reversed. This option can also be used at the discretion of a moderator. Most offences of this kind do not receive a warning for the first offence, so consider this the warning. This matter also pertains to the Privacy Policy so please ensure you read that document too. If you are the victim of a user committing any of the above offences, please contact a moderator immediately and also send them a copy of the offending message(s).

    You agree that any information you provide to us is real (such as the parts of your identity you choose to reveal, and email address). Fraudulent and false information submitted by users could lead to banning from the forum and possible legal proceedings for breach of confidence.

    By posting advice and information you agree that it is correct to the best of your knowledge. You also agree to refrain from posting fictional or false information. The management of FrogForum.net will decide at their sole discretion if a user is deliberately posting false information and they will penalise or ban users found to be repeatedly posting deliberately erroneous, misleading or malicious information.

    We allow the posting of commercial links to this web site provided that it is done so in a manner that is relevant to a discussion. We do not permit links to commercial non Amphibian web sites of any kind. This includes links in signatures to such web sites. By agreeing to these rules you agree to link to commercial websites only when it is absolutely necessary in a discussion.

    You are encouraged, though not required, to include your surname (family name) in your profile. This is for security purposes and to help prevent the use of multiple accounts for fraudulent purposes. You can choose to not show this name to other users by editing your profile settings.

    You must include your country in your profile (you will get a flag for your country in your posts). This is publicly viewable. If you live in a large country with many states or provinces, we encourage you to enter a state or province in the Location box because this often helps with identifying mystery frogs and animals without other members wondering where you found your mystery frog.

    FrogForum.net is meant to be a venue for worthwhile discussion of our hobby, so please try to minimize the use of nonsense words (such as text message type words).

    By agreeing to these rules are you also agreeing to the Privacy Policy. Click the link to open the Privacy Policy in a new window so that you can review it before agreeing to the forum rules if you have not already done so.

    If you have questions regarding these rules, please contact us.

    Comments 1 Comment
    1. 2fewfrogs's Avatar
      2fewfrogs -
      Thank You.
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