Photo 7 of 12 from Viv #1 Inhabitants

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flower bed1

Photo Added
January 16th, 2012
Viv #1 Inhabitants
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Photo Comments

  1. Sunshine
    Here is the Queen on her "flower bed"
  2. Kristen87
    Wow what kind of flowers are these?? Are they easy to care for? Soooo pretty.
  3. Sunshine
    They are actually fake but they look and feel very real. I Got them from a store called Hobby Lobby. I'm not sure what kind of flower they are supposed to be but they look like the flowers that grow on Antheriums. This frog is a little spoiled queen and these are HER flowers. No one else can sit on them! LOL!
  4. Sunshine
    Ok my friend tells me they are Calla Lilies.
  5. Dehumaneyez
  6. Sunshine
    Thank you!
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 6 of 6