Photo 13 of 13 from Inshallah & Philomenia (Deformed Southern Bell frogs)

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Photo Added
January 10th, 2012
Inshallah & Philomenia (Deformed Southern Bell frogs)
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Photo Comments

  1. Nick Major
    Hi Ebony,
    Great set up!
    Do you use any substrates in this setup? Have you just got big rocks and then the branches etc on top of that? I am looking to create a similar set up for my froggies and was after some advice!
  2. Ebony
    Hi there Nick, Yes I have large rocks to form the land area and seperate the water area. I then have sphagnum moss on top of the rocks with various moss carpets on top of the moss. If sprayed each day it keep green and lush and will thrive. Most of the plants are real and are in pots with organic soil which is top and tailed with sphagnum moss so the soil does not come in contact with the frogs. Hope this helps
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